WARDHA (Maharashtra): Feminist magazine Streekaal, Stree Ka Samay aur Sach has announced the first Savitribai Phule ideological award. The jury comprising Archana Verma, Arvind Jain, Hemlata Mahishwar, Anita Bharati, Bajrang Bihari Tiwari and Parimala Ambedkar has decided to confer the award posthumously on Sharmila Rege for her book Against the Madness of Manu: BR Ambedkar’s Writings on Brahmanical Patriarchy. Sharmila Rege (7 October 1964 – 13 July 2013) played the pioneering role in the theoretical construct of Dalit feminism. The award will be presented during a function to be held in Gaya (Bihar) on 19-20 February.
Published in the February 2015 issue of the Forward Press magazine
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