

Setting ground rules for your marriage
Disagreements, difference of opinion and different upbringing are all aspects that two people bring into a marriage. There is the need for a conscious effort to understand and talk, and for a willingness to work...
Are you winning the argument and losing your marriage?
Conflicts can lead to intimacy and health in our relationships only if we stop retaliating and stretch out a hand of reconciliation
Identifying Your Child’s Temperament
Beverly Lahaye, author of Understanding Your Child’s Temperament, says, “To assist in the proper development and training of...
Using ‘I’ as peacemaker
Now if you can’t be vulnerable with your wife, you need to really work on doing so, for...
The toddler years
Parenting is a journey like none other. Even with countless parents having gone before you, yours is a...
It takes time to build a home
There will always be someone to replace me as the director of an organization, but no one can...
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