Vasanthi Devi: I find you amazingly non-sectarian. I have heard you say that an ideology that blends Marx, Ambedkar, Gandhi, Periyar and Narayana Guru is what is needed. Can you elaborate?
P.S. Krishnan: My ideology which blends Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, Narayanaguru, Mahatma Gandhi, Marx and others was the product of my mature years and studies. I found that a lot of energy was being spent on the differences between Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi. It is true that there were differences between them in their understanding of “Untouchability” and its ramifications, causal factors underlying this ugly phenomenon and its persistence, and remedial measures. Gandhi ji’s views on these issues were narrower than Dr Ambedkar’s. Better known are their political differences. Their differences came to a head at the Second Round Table Conference held in September-October 1931.
READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: Ambedkar and Gandhi: Issues of contention, and dialogue