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Will not tolerate vilification of Mahishasur any more, declare Koiturs

The Koitur tribals of Chhattisgarh have once again presented a memorandum to the administration, demanding that those performing Durga Puja in their area should not insult their ancestors Mahishasur and Ravan. They have also warned of an agitation, if their demand is not met. Forward Press reports.

The Korwa (Pahadi Korwa) tribals have a sizeable presence in the Korba district – known as the energy capital of Chhattisgarh. Located about 200 km from the capital Raipur in the Bilaspur division of the state, Korba has an area of 7,14,544 hectares, of which 2,83,497 hectares is forest land. About 51.67 percent of the total population is tribal. The entire area is covered with green forests and tribals inhabiting them are known for preserving their culture and traditional practices. In keeping with their culture and traditions, Mahishasur and Asur Raj Ravan are considered by them as ancestors.

READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: Will not tolerate vilification of Mahishasur any more, declare Koiturs










About The Author

Prema Negi

Prema Negi is the editor of the website 'Jan Jwar'. She is known for her interviews of literary personalities and academicians

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