Professor Shyam Lal has been consistently writing on Dalit issues for the past more than four decades. He has already published 21 books on different Dalit castes. His latest book, Crisis of Dalit Leadership, is probably the first book written on this subject. Of course, Anand Teltumbde has been writing incisively on Dalit politics.
About The Author

Kanwal bharti
Kanwal Bharti (born February 1953) is a progressive Ambedkarite thinker and one of the most talked-about and active contemporary writers. Dalit Sahitya Kee Avdharna and Swami Achootanand Harihar Sanchayita are his key books. He was conferred with Dr Ambedkar Rashtriya Award in 1996 and Bhimratna Puraskar in 2001