In March 2020 I wrote an article titled Reason and faith in the time of COVID-19. Subsequently, I was asked by the editors at Forward Press more than once to write a follow-up. But at that time the picture was not clear enough.
The year 2020 is now behind us. It was a year like no other and, for many of us, will forever stand out in our memories. One miniscule little virus changed the world as we knew it. It will take a long time for things to go back to “normal”. Maybe they never will.
For us as a family, the year had many challenges. But we can look back with gratitude that we have experienced divine protection. Where so many have lost lives, we have been spared. I lost a sister but the other one survived Covid-19. We were even blessed with a new grandson, our seventh grandchild.
Right now, our beloved India is in turmoil and chaos. We hear of so many dying. Others, on ventilators, struggling for life. Still others in the mad quest for a hospital bed or even an oxygen cylinder.
And we hear of the vultures who circle, trying to make a profit out of tragedy. Black market rates for everything from an oxygen cylinder to an ambulance to life-saving medication. Selfish hoarding. This crisis is revealing the rot in our soul.
I hear of people so worried and fearful they cannot sleep. And that is the worst thing for our immunity. A verse from the Bible, which has kept me in peace through the most challenging times, is Philippians 4:6-7:
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, I would like to urge you – don’t be anxious and fearful, don’t let negative emotions bring down your immunity. Pray, and trust God. Sing. Cherish your family. Celebrate each moment of life.
Working from home has brought new stresses for many of us. Let’s focus on the positives rather than the negative aspects. Our children and our youth are having a rough time, too. They are lonely. In many cases they have had to adapt to the paradigm of online classes. Can we stop focusing on ourselves, and our careers and try to be better husbands or wives to our spouses? Can we take time to express love and empathy to our children? Simple things like playing board games as a family can be a fun activity for all. Are we building homes that are joyful and filled with harmony or are our families just waiting to see us leave the house again? The thousands who have died have taken nothing with them. The funeral pyre leaves behind no degrees, no titles, no gold or cash. Only ashes.
Are we using this time to reflect on what is of value? What will last? What do we want to be as a society?
When our helpers cannot come to work because of lockdowns do we cut their pay while we lobby our bosses for our full paycheque? When their loved ones are hospitalized do we lend a helping hand?
Are we looking for the hungry around us, who we can bless with some food?

As I wrote in my last article, epidemiology is not my speciality. But I have read much and listened to stories of friends who have survived Covid without hospitalization. Below are some practical steps they recommend:
- Ivermectin: Adult dose is 12 mg per day for 5 days, or for those with mild symptoms 15 mg on day one and 15 mg on day three (2 doses). This drug is often given to pets or people to kill parasites, but it has been shown to be VERY effective, almost a miracle treatment for Covid-19. Here is an example on Amazon:
It is very safe and has almost no side effects. Someone who was almost dying and took some and recovered completely in a couple days. - Budesonide: Two puffs daily for 14 days could reduce the risk of hospitalisation in mild to moderately ill Covid-19 patients by 91% (as compared to Covid-19 patients on regular treatment), according to a study published by Oxford University in the journal The Lancet Respiratory Medicine earlier this month.
The supplements below boost the immune system and can help those who are positive as well as for prevention:
- Lugol’s iodine, 50 mg per day (5% solution has 6.25 mg per drop, the 2% solution has 2.5 mg per drop). BioBalance brand is on
- Zinc 50 mg /day
- Vitamin D3 (Vitamin D 3-Cholecalciferol softgels ) 50,000 IU or 60000 IU per day for 5 days if positive, or if exposed to Covid; 60000 IU /week otherwise.
- Vitamin K2/MK7 100 mg /day
- Vitamin C (sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid) 2.5 gm/day (divided doses). The cheapest way to take this is to take 2 tablespoons in 2 litres of water, drink slowly all day (or all night) of sodium ascorbate powder. Buy it on Amazon, here:
For anyone sick or with possibility of getting Covid, please immediately get and give them the Ivermectin, and the iodine and vitamins.
If Ivermectin is not available, then Zinc, Azithromycin (an antibiotic), Vit D3, etc. can be given for 5-7 days. Those who can afford it can buy an oximeter and monitor oxygen levels if they get sick. There’s no need to go to hospital unless the oxygen levels drop. For those sick, the better position is to lie on the stomach instead of on the back.
I’m writing this on April 28 the deadliest day in India so far. My hope and prayer is that this virus is contained and the senseless deaths would be minimized. In a pandemic, we don’t know our tomorrow. Let us live our lives for the benefit of our shared humanity rather than in vain pursuit of selfish ambitions. Let’s continue to wear our masks, keep social distance, wash our hands. But let us be there for those who we hear crying out for our help.
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