In 2015, young Gokulraj, a promising engineering student, was abducted from the famous Arthanariswara temple in Thiruchengode, in Tamil Nadu’s Namakkal district, where he had been talking with a female friend, and subsequently cruelly murdered: his tongue was severed and he was decapitated.
About The Author

V. Geetha
V. Geetha is a writer, translator, social historian and activist who has written widely in English and Tamil on modern Tamil history, caste, gender, education and civil rights. She is most recently the author of 'Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar and the Question of Socialism in India' (Palgrave Macmillan). Geetha has co-written, with S.V. Rajadurai, essays on the Dravidian movement and politics published in the ‘Economic and Political Weekly’, and the book, ‘Towards a Non Brahmin Millennium: From Iyothee Thass to Periyar’. They have also authored monographs on Western Marxism, including a comprehensive volume on the life and thought of Antonio Gramsci.