There has always been a great dearth of books on Bahujan literature, culture and politics whose contents are both factual and within the grasp of the common people. Some scholars have worked on these topics but their books are in English and are primarily academic in nature. Under the Forward Press Books (FP Books) series, we’ve been publishing high-quality books that can be tools for the struggles of the silenced majority of India. There are seven books in the series so far.
Bilingualism is a unique aspect of these books. Every title has been published simultaneously both in Hindi and English. English translations of Hindi books have long been published but so far, they have been limited to literary works only and that too, they come out years later – once the original work has become popular. As far as ideological writings in Hindi are concerned, they are considered to be of such poor standards that translations of such books into English or other Indian languages are rarely, if ever, published. That is why sociological studies of the Hindi belt published in English are often cut off from the ground realities. Forward Press is trying to fill this void. Under the FP Books series, books on the contemporary ideological discourses in Hindi are published in English too. For instance, the translation of Premkumar Mani’s book Chintan Ke Sarokar was published under the title The Common Man Speaks Out in English and Bahujan Sahitya Ki Prastavna, edited by Pramod Ranjan and Ivan Kostka, was published as The Case for Bahujan Literature.
FP Books not only aim at bringing the worlds of Hindi and English languages closer but they also focus on the contemporary discourses in other Indian languages, highlighting the commonalities between them. For instance, Mahishasur: Ek Jannayak, edited by Pramod Ranjan, includes articles by writers in Hindi, English, Malayalam, Marathi and other languages on the subject. They throw light on the roots of the Mahishasur movement in folk culture. This book has been published in English with the title Mahishasur: A People’s Hero.
We plan to publish 24 books every year under the FP Books series. Some of these books will be published in both Hindi and English while others will be brought out only in Hindi or English.
A brief description of the books published so far:
Jati Ke Prashna Par Kabir (Hindi)
Hindi literature ignored Kabir for a long time. More than in literature, the medieval saint poet’s legacy has survived in society. When he was finally given a place in literature, it was with misleading claims about his caste. It was claimed that he was the son of a Brahmin widow. Later, Dalit critics declared that he was a Dalit. In this book, Kamlesh Verma challenges the various claims about Kabir’s caste and studies caste in Kabir’s writings. This book is a vital intervention in Hindi criticism.
Writer: Kamlesh Verma
Price: Paperback Rs 165, Hardback Rs 400
Mahishasur: Ek Jannayak (Hindi)
The dominant culture has always presented a distorted image of Bahujan history and culture by looking down on it. Over the past couple of years, the Bahujan people and intellectuals have rejected this image. It is in this context that this book seeks to rediscover India’s ancient people’s hero Mahishasur, who has always remained an integral part of the collective memory, traditions and festivals as a hero but who was portrayed as an anti-hero by the dominant culture of the country. The reverberations of this campaign of re-discovery were felt even in Parliament. The book includes articles by Shibu Soren, Premkumar Mani, Gail Omvedt, Ram Puniyani, Braj Ranjan Mani, Misa Bharti, Rajendra Prasad Singh and others.
Editor: Pramod Ranjan
Price: Paperback Rs 125, Hardback Rs 300
Mahishasur: A People’s Hero (English)
This book includes English translation of the Hindi articles published in Mahishasur: Ek Jannayak, along with some articles originally written in English, which were then translated for the Hindi edition.
Editor: Pramod Ranjan
Price: Paperback Rs 100, Hardback Rs 300
Bahujan Sahitya Ki Prastavna (Hindi)
The concept of Bahujan Literature evolved with the expansion of the scope of Dalit Literature. This book is an introduction to the concept of Bahujan Literature. It is unique in the sense that it will be useful not only for researchers in literature but also for other literature lovers who want to understand literature with new references. The book is divided into three parts: OBC Sahitya Vimarsh (OBC Discourse), Adivasi Sahitya Vimarsh (Adivasi Discourse) and Bahujan Sahitya Vimarsh (Bahujan Discourse). The contributors include Rajendra Yadav, Premkumar Mani, Kanwal Bharati, Braj Ranjan Mani, Abhay Kumar Dubey, Rajendra Prasad Singh, Ashiwini Kumar Pankaj and other writers and thinkers.
Editor: Ivan Kostka, Pramod Ranjan
Price: Paperback Rs 100, Hardback Rs 300
The Case for Bahujan Literature (English)
This book includes English translations of the Hindi articles published in Bahujan Sahitya Ki Prastavna.
Editor: Ivan Kostka, Pramod Ranjan
Price: Paperback Rs 100, Hardback Rs 300
Chintan Ke Jan Sarokar (Hindi)
Author Premkumar Mani has been a keen observer of social, cultural and political developments and changes. His thoughts on contemporary issues and developments have been as crisp, relevant and trendsetting as on literary issues. The book is divided into two sections: Samaj Va Rajniti (Society and Politics) and Sahitya Va Sanskriti (Literature and Culture). The book includes his much talked-about articles titled Arthik Udarikaran Aur Dalit, Bhrashtachar Ke Jadein Hamari Sanskiti Mein, Sansad Mein Cartoon, Hindu Hitler Ka Avsan, Sahitya Mein Jati Vimarsh, Bertrand Russell Se Samvad, Kiski Puja Kar Rahein Hain Bahujan, etc. A winner of Srikant Verma Award, Premkumar Mani is known as a prominent writer activist of north India. He has also served as member of the Bihar Legislative Council.
Writer: Premkumar Mani
Price: Paperback Rs 100, Hardback Rs 300
The Common Man Speaks Out (English)
This book includes translations of the articles published in Chintan Ke Jan Sarokar.
Writer: Premkumar Mani
Price: Paperback Rs 100, Hardbound Rs 300
Order from home:
You can buy all FP Books from Flipkart and Amazon.
Mahishasur: Ek Jannayak Amazon Flipkart
Mahishasur: A People’s Hero Amazon Flipkart
Bahujan Sahitya Ki Prastavna Amazon Flipkart
The Case for Bahujan Literature Amazon Flipkart
Chintan Ke Jansarokar Amazon Flipkart
The Common Man Speaks Out Amazon Flipkart
Jati Ke Prashna Par Kabir Amazon Flipkart
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FORWARD Press set
The publication of FORWARD Press, India’s first fully bilingual (Hindi-English) monthly, began in May 2009. It was published regularly till June 2016, when the publication of the print edition was suspended and its web edition was launched. In eight years, a total 82 issues of the magazine were published. These issues carried articles on Dalitbahujan literature, culture, politics and struggles. They are an invaluable mine of information on caste discourse in India, both for scholars and researchers. Sets of all the issues of FP are available for purchase from The Marginalised Prakashan, IGNOU Road, New Delhi. Order from the comfort of your home. Reader’s edition: Rs 3000, Library edition: Rs 7,500; postal expenses Rs 750 extra.
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Forward Press also publishes books on Bahujan issues. Forward Press Books sheds light on the widespread problems as well as the finer aspects of Bahujan (Dalit, OBC, Adivasi, Nomadic, Pasmanda) society, literature, culture and politics. Contact us for a list of FP Books’ titles and to order. Mobile: +919968527911, Email: